Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks As a Teenager

How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks As a Teenager Focus on good habits for sustained weight loss.

Weight loss is difficult enough without the added struggle of adolescence. Prom, homecoming or the general desire for social acceptance may inspire teens toward the path of weight loss. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends teenagers avoid crash dieting in favor of establishing healthy eating habits and incorporating exercise each day. Weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week is reasonable if teens follow a sensible eating plan and incorporate physical activity most days each week.

Step 1

How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks As a Teenager Weigh yourself at the beginning and once a week thereafter.

Weigh yourself at the beginning and once a week thereafter. In a study by the University of California-San Diego, more adolescents participating in weekly weigh-ins lost weight than those who weighed themselves less often.

Step 2

How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks As a Teenager Eat three meals per day and healthy snacks in between if necessary.

Eat three meals per day and healthy snacks in between if necessary. Skipping meals will not lead to weight loss. In fact, it slows metabolism making it more difficult to lose weight.

Step 3

Record your food and beverage intake in a food journal and aim to keep your calorie intake within the recommended range for your age, gender and activity level. Inactive boys ages 14 to 18 and somewhat or very active girls should keep daily caloric intake between 2,000 and 2,400 calories per day. This number increases to 2,400 to 2,800 for semi-active boys and increases even more to 2,800 to 3,200 calories for very active boys. The magic number for inactive girls is 1,800 calories per day.

Step 4

How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks As a Teenager Choose one fruit and a non-starchy vegetable at every meal, if possible. Photo Credit IT Stock Free/Polka Dot/Getty Images

Choose one fruit and a non-starchy vegetable at every meal, if possible. Fresh produce is high in water and fiber, which helps you feel full. It is also low in calories, so a large serving won’t sabotage your daily calorie allowance.

Step 5

How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks As a Teenager Eat a serving of protein at every meal, such as lean meat, low fat cheese or nuts. Photo Credit AD077/iStock/Getty Images

Eat a serving of protein at every meal, such as lean meat, low fat cheese or nuts. Protein is essential for energy. Dr. Lawrence Wilson, MD, explains that the body converts protein into fat and sugar for use as fuel. Your body uses protein to make and repair cells, a vitally important function especially when exercising and building muscle.

Step 6

How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks As a Teenager Get moving for at least an hour most days of the week. Photo Credit Images

Get moving for at least an hour most days of the week. Playing sports, hiking with friends, skateboarding and walking to school get your heart pumping and muscles moving without the boredom factor. Burning more calories than you take in will cause the numbers on the scale to drop.


Step 7

Avoid sugary foods and beverages as often as possible. Though Columbia University reports that occasionally satisfying a craving is OK. Highly processed and sugary foods are high in calories but low in nutrition. Sodas also fall into this category.


    Teenagers who have not completed puberty should use caution when restricting calories and therefore should consult with a doctor prior to beginning any diet or weight loss plan. Excessive calorie restriction during puberty can stunt growth.


    Be mindful of your serving sizes. A serving of vegetables is approximately the size of a light bulb. Picture a tennis ball when you think about fruit and pasta. One serving of protein, such as chicken or beef is the size of a deck of cards. A serving of peanut butter is about as big as a golf ball.



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